The most successful cancer treatments are based on flooding the body with nutrients, which promote the oxygenation of cells and nourish the immune system, while at the same time starving cancerous cells.
Consume a diet of all natural, whole foods. Include generous amounts of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits, which should be consumed in their raw form for optimal nutritional value. Choose especially those foods which have deep, rich colors.
Eliminate completely all animal products from your diet. The saturated fat of animal meat taxes the liver and leads to an excess of disease causing free-radicals in the body.
Consume organic foods as much as possible to reduce exposure to pesticides, wax, or other chemicals. If you cannot avoid sprayed or waxed produce, make sure to peel it before consumption.
Ensure that you are consuming at least 50 grams of fibre daily. Increase your fibre consumption by adding ground flaxseeds, organic wheat bran, and psyllium to your diet. Eat plenty of whole grains, including oats and brown rice.
Eat wheat germ, nuts, and seeds for their vitamin E content. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.
Consume garlic, onions, and legumes daily as they help to keep the liver functioning at optimum capacity.
Include generous amounts of green leafy vegetables daily. These can be juiced and/or eaten as green smoothies or salads.
Lab studies have shown that extracts of garlic, beets, and kale, completely stopped the growth of a very aggressive brain tumour.
Make sure to drink plenty of clean water daily, along with at least 6 glasses of fresh made vegetable juice.
Avoid refined sugar as it suppresses the immune system, and limit your intake of natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, molasses, and dried fruits.
Drastically reduce salt intake in the diet. Excess salt may interfere with the absorption and utilization of food, and may disturb the osmotic pressure of the tissues, involving almost every portion of the body.
Avoid all saturated, hydrogenated, and partially hydrogenated fats, as these have been strongly linked to several types of cancer, including, breast, prostate, and colorecetal cancers.
Include essential fatty acids as found in flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, pumpkin seed oil, etc. Oils should be cold pressed.
Avoid alcohol completely, as it depletes much needed nutrients from your body.
Do a 3-day juice fast once a month, and every 6 months, do a longer fast for 5 to 7 days.
Many cancer patients have responded well to fever therapy, which stimulates the body’s immune response in the same way that a fever does. It also pulls toxins from the body and expels them as you sweat.
Manage stress, as stress is a carcinogen just like radiation and pesticides. Reducing stress has an inhibiting effect on tumour growth.
Exercise is vital. Brisk walk in the open air for at least 30 minutes daily.
Do not smoke, and do not expose yourself to second-hand smoke, as inhaled smoke causes the production of free radicals.
As much as possible, avoid radiation. Do not stand or sit closer than 8 feet to television sets or microwave ovens, and if you work on a computer, invest in a radiation screen.
You must avoid harsh chemicals. Stay away from any substance that releases fumes: nail polish remover, hair spray, gasoline, household cleaners, and dry-cleaning solvent.
Establish a healthy relationship with the sun. You need about 15 minutes daily, but be careful to avoid sun-burn.
The following list of foods are cancer’s top fighters. Consume them daily!
Turmeric 1 tsp. daily. Made from the crushed dried stalk of the curcuma longa plant. Contains antioxidant properties which have very strong anti-cancer potential. The daily addition of a tsp. of turmeric to soups, salad dressings, pasta dishes, etc. is a simple, rapid, inexpensive way to prevent the development of cancer. Add a pinch of cayenne as well, as this will increase the uptake of turmeric by 1000%.
Berries ½ C. daily. Blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries ; these are extremely high in anti-oxidants. They also contain ellagic acid – a phytochemical compound which interferes with the development of cancer. Highest in raspberries, strawberries, hazelnuts and pecans. Decreases risk of esophageal cancer and colon cancer
Tomatoes ½ C. daily. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which belongs to the vast family of carotenoids – molecules that are responsible for the yellow, orange, and red colours of many fruits and vegetables. Reduces risk for prostate cancer by approx. 30%.
Grapes – ½ C. daily. Contains a plant hormone called resveratrol, especially found in the skins and seeds of grapes. In 1996, it was identified as the first molecule of dietary origin capable of interfering with the progression of cancer by inhibiting all 3 stages necessary for the development of the disease: initiation, promotion, and progression.
Citrus – ½ C. daily. Citrus family – lemons, oranges, grapefruit, mandarin. An orange contains almost 200 different compounds, many of which act directly on cancerous cells. Reduces risk of digestive tract cancers, such as esophageal, mouth, larynx, pharynx, and stomach which showed a 40-50% decrease. Children who regularly consumed fresh orange juice during their first 2 years of life, had a reduced risk of later developing leukemia.
Garlic – 2 cloves ( or ½ C. onions) daily. Allium family includes garlic, onions. leeks, shallots, chives. Reduces risk of stomach cancer and prostate cancer. Studies in Shanghai, showed that individuals with a daily consumption of over 10 grams of allium family vegetables, were discovered to have 50% less cancers as those who consumed less than 2 grams per day. It is believed that compounds in garlic may directly attack tumour cells and destroy them.
Cabbage – 1C daily. Crucifers include green cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, collard greens. Kale is one of the best known cancer-fighting vegetables on the planet. Studies indicate that the substances contained in cruciferous vegetables are among those most responsible for the anti-cancer properties linked to a diet rich in fruits & vegetables. 5+ servings of crucifers/week, results in up to 50% less risk of developing: bladder cancer, breast cancer, and reduces the risk for lung, GI, stomach, colorectal, and pancreatic cancer. Of all edible plants, cruciferous vegetables contain largest variety of phytochemical compounds with anti-cancer activity. Cooking should be minimized, using as little water as possible, as some of these important phytochemicals are reduced significantly by the cooking process. Use fresh not frozen, and make sure to chew thoroughly.
Omega 3 fatty-acids – flax seeds, nuts. Decreases risk of developing breast, prostate and colon cancers.
Note: Consume calcium rich foods such as kale, spinach, sunflower seeds, broccoli, pinto beans, adzuki beans, almonds, hazelnuts, and sesame seeds, as research has found that dietary calcium has protective effects against experimental-induced colon carcinogenesis in test animals.