Follow a sound diet that is based on whole, unprocessed foods. Emphasize raw or lightly cooked vegetables, especially greens, and other foods that are high in nutrients and fibre.
Flaxseed and flaxseed oil helps to relieve the inflammation of fibromyalgia.
Avoid coffee and tea as these interfere with mineral absorption.
Alfalfa sprouts can be useful for pain control.
Fibromyalgia has been linked to a magnesium deficiency, so make sure to consume foods that are high in this mineral, including green leafy vegetables, kelp, cashews, and almonds.
Determine whether food allergies may be contributing to your pain.
Reduce or eliminate meat, fried and junk foods, high-fat dairy products, and other foods that are high in saturated fats, as they contribute to inflammation and pain, as well as to insomnia. They also slow your circulation and deplete your stores of energy.
Avoid sugar. It increases pain, weakens the immune system, disturbs sleep, saps your energy, and encourages the growth of Candida albicans, a fungus that some believe is a cause of fibromyalgia. The most common sources of sugar are sodas and processed foods, but you also need to severely restrict your intake of natural sugars like honey, dried and even fresh fruit.
Eliminate processed foods and carbonated drinks as these contain food additives that will only aggravate your condition.
Avoid wheat and brewer’s yeast until your symptoms fade.
Poor absorption of food is involved with this problem, so eat slowly of good nourishing food, and chew it well.
Follow a juice fast for 3 days, but limit your intake of sweet fruit juices. Instead, use vegetable and green drinks, along with unsweetened lemon or cranberry juice.
Activities which promote lymph drainage are very useful.
Try taking a hot shower in the morning, when the pain is likely to be at its worst; at night, when you might have trouble sleeping, try a warm bath. Saunas and heated compresses are other pleasant ways to relax your muscles.
Moderate, non-jarring exercise is one of the best treatments for fibromyalgia. Daily exercise for half an hour (a brisk walk or a swim are excellent choices) is far preferable to less frequent but more vigorous workouts.
Get adequate rest as overexertion will only aggravate symptoms.
Drink a glass of clean water every two hours.