Your Health

Why We Get Sick

We do not diagnose nor claim to heal or cure any disease.

Many diseases can be attributed to an unhealthy "gut" and an issue with the gut microbiome. It has a very strong impact on our health and on the influence of disease.

Many people suffer due to unhealthy toxins, coming from noxious gut bacteria, being released and circulating throught the blood.  with inadequate nutrition and poisons collecting in their bodies. Because of this buildup of toxins reaching a high threshold many diseases occur.

We have seen guests health turn around!

True Health Success in and out of the program depends on one's willingness to keep on the straight path to health and to do it consistently as a LIFESTYLE CHANGE

Health Tips – learn about things you can do to have a healthier body!

Health Watch! – important health issues you need to be aware of!

Mind Health! – learn principles for having a healthy mind! Great links to other Christian web Sites!